100 years! Clay told us once that that’s how long he would like to work at
Our Thrift Store! Maybe that statement sums it up. After all, how many
special needs adults get to work in a happy environment where they are
esteemed and encouraged to do the right thing and do their best?

At Our Thrift store, a store that serves adults with special needs, the rat race of life is left at the door and replaced by encouragement and compassion. “Love one another,” important words from Jesus, seem to be the unspoken motto here as staff and employees alike put their hearts and souls into not just work ethics, but relationships as well. Care and concern from staff members go hand in hand with instructions on how to accomplish a job well done. While skills are patiently taught (many more times than once), and lessons continue to be learned (sometimes over and over again) – kindness reigns!

However, this does not mean that Our Thrift Store is problem free. These
special employees all come to work bringing a variety of individual needs:
complicated medical challenges, mental challenges, communication
challenges, and health challenges…not to mention a host of other personal
challenges. Like all of us, they ride the daily roller coaster of ups and downs.

None the less, Dave and Sandy Krikac have set a high bar, and the staff has
risen to the challenge – no person at Our Thrift Store falls through the
cracks. Everyone here is worthy of love and care.

So – that being said – where better to work for 100 years?? Clay, our 37
year old son, only has 88 years left to go! At our house, Our Thrift Store
wins hands down!

Thank you, Dave and Sandy, for providing a terrific place to work and thrive all under the same roof! We cannot begin to thank you enough for your time, energy and love for all people. Bob and I echo Clay’s words –

Karen Sircy